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A Trade Centre visitor looking to help exporters in South America.

This visitor to the Trade Centre from Sao Paulo, Brazil has set up a consultancy company to assist New Zealand business to access the South American markets.

They have an attitude that would suggest they will actively get out and promote the companies / businesses they are working with that in-turn will get sales moving. He also has experience in market research.

I met with this gentleman personally and found him to be very friendly, astute and very easy to communicate with and Iโ€™m sure potential exporters will find this to be no different. He is also a member of the Latin American Business Council that could well be of benefit to exporters. Being fluent in Spanish, Portuguese and English will help to break-down any communication barriers.

If you happen to be in businessย and looking for opportunities in South Americaย and would like to learn more about this company or for a personal introduction, please email me, [email protected] or call (09) 366 6879


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