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Dubai-based Emirates airline has overtaken German carrier Lufthansa to become the worldโ€™s largest fleet for long-haul flights and long โ€“ haul traffic, according Emirates 24/

The report said Emirates owns 155 long-haul aircraft which is the highest number by any airline in the world, quoting WirtschaftsWoche

It also said that major European carriers like Air France-KLM Group, British Airways and Lufthansa will substantially lose market share to Gulf airlines such as Etihad Airways, Qatar Airways and Emirates in the coming years. The report also said that personnel costs and fees of Gulf carriers are 30% less than those European airlines which help them make more competitive and profitable.

In another news, Emirates hit out at critics who claim that its growth is supported by government subsidies.

โ€œWe believe airlines should have open access to financing,โ€ Emirates President Tim Clark said in a letter to Air Transport Association of America chief last week, Zawya Dow Jones reported on Sunday.

The Dubai carrier recently accused ATA of making false allegations against the benefits of export credit support, which is provided to support sales of aircraft from Airbus and Boeing.

Clarke said the availability of export credit guarantees โ€œis confirmed less than six months before delivery of the respective aircraftโ€ฆ and we have only used export credit for just over 20% of our total financing needs.โ€

He also rejected ATA accusation that Emiratesโ€™ financing costs are cheaper those at US carrier Delta. โ€“ Source Emirates 24/7


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