Event Start: 19/02/2019 | 16:00
Event End: 19/02/2019 | 18:00
Price: Panel Talk complimentary
Workshop – Member $29 + GST
Workshop – Non-Member $49 + GST
Wilson Room, Level 14
German-New Zealand Chamber of Commerce
188 Quay Street
1010 Auckland
New Zealand
We are delighted to invite you to our upcoming event in Auckland on the topic that everybody is talking about – BREXIT.
We will kick off the event with a panel discussion on the topic: Brexit & the future of the European Union, followed by a workshop for those interested in setting up in the EU.
Panellists confirmed so far are:
- Oliver Hartwich – Executive Director of the New Zealand Initiative
- Phil Wood – President & Executive Director of the British New Zealand Business Association
- Niels Meinderts – Senior Advisor at MFAT
The workshop will give in depth coverage on setting up business in the EU.
Your Speakers for the workshop are:
- Sarah Salmond – Special Counsel – Head of International Trade at Russel McVeagh
- Steven Dooley – Currency Strategist at Western Union
- Speaker from EY (name TBC)
- Heiko Stumpf – Director for Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI)
A worthwhile opportunity to get all your questions, from all angles, answered by experts.